Trace elements (also called Micro elements or Oligo elements) are part of the series of mineral elements essential for plant life.
The plants need lower quantities of Trace Elements than of the so-called Macroelements (Potassium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus), but they are not less important than the latter.
On the contrary, problems with aquatic plants occur in cultivation systems (such as home aquariums) mainly due to nutritional imbalances related to trace elements.
This is due to the particular water chemistry of some of them, the ease in reacting with different substances that prevents their absorption by plants and their tendency to modify their chemical-physical state until they become insoluble and precipitate.
Essential trace elements and their role in plant physiology
The trace elements currently considered indispensable and their functions in plant biology can be summarized as follows:
• Iron: Synthesis of chlorophyll, proteins, reduction of nitrates, enzymatic function.
• Manganese: Photosynthesis and protein synthesis, enzymatic function
• Boron: Transport of sugars and correct activity of vegetative and root tips.
• Zinc: hormonal synthesis (auxins), respiration, Phosphorus absorption, Nitrogen metabolism.
• Copper: Carbohydrate formation, photosynthesis (chloroplast constituent), enzymatic function.
• Molybdenum: Functioning of the enzymes necessary for the reduction of nitrates, formation of amino acids.
Few other trace elements are of any importance for certain plants and / or in certain situations.
These are:
• Nickel; Cobalt; Silicon;
Without going into details of the individual Trace Elements, it should be noted that their usefulness for aquatic plants normally cultivated is basically negligible.
On the other hand, some of them can give rise to problems.
For example:
• Cobalt is an essential trace element for the noxious Cyanobacteria and its unwanted presence can be the basis of a proliferation of the latter
• Silicon is an essential trace element for Diatoms (siliceous algae) and its unintended presence can be the basis of a proliferation of these annoying algae.
Symptoms of trace elements imbalances
The problems related to trace elements occur mainly on young leaves with a series of often very pronounced symptoms.
The plants may have pale leaves, discolored especially between the veins (chlorosis intervale), thin until they become transparent and die; apical leaves of small size and with various problems to the leaf blade, which can therefore appear narrow and pointed and / or present various distortions until appear curled up; apical leaves of reduced size (even very small); internodes very shortened to make it appear that the last verticilli of apical leaves depart from the same point.
In all cases slow and stunted growth is present.
What has been said, in a slightly more detailed way for each individual element, can be summarized as follows:
• Iron:
Problems at the vegetative apices with pale and discolored leaves but usually about normal size.
No distortion ever present.
• Manganese:
Problems with vegetative apices with discolored leaves; very similar to the Iron deficiency.
Often the leaves appear of a typical iridescent color changing the angle of observation from perpendicular to tangent the leaf blade.
• Boron:
Problems at the vegetative apex with pale, small and distorted leaves with more evident problems starting from the tips (necrosis); shortened internodes.
Stunted roots.
• Zinc:
Problems at the vegetative apices with pale leaves (chlorosis intervale), small and especially narrow.
Problems with the leaf blade especially at the side edges.
Very short internodes.
The leaves can be distorted.
• Copper:
Problems at the vegetative apices with leaves with light chlorosis and slightly smaller.
The internode length is not generally impacted.
Often the leaves suffer from severe malformations of the leaf blade.
• Molybdenum:
Problems predominantly with the mature parts of the plant.
Symptoms are very similar to nitrogen deficiency. In fact, the lack of Molybdenum prevents the reduction of Nitrates and consequently the absorption of Nitrogen when this is supplied in the form of Nitrate.
Leaf malformations are sometimes possible.
What is said above, however, is only general, since not all plants react in the same way and with the same intensity to nutritional imbalances caused by trace elements.
This therefore prevents being more precise, as the symptoms should be detailed for each individual species of plant.
Genesis of PhytaGen M1
This formula represents the arrival point of about 15 years of studies related to:
• Nutritional needs related to iron and microelements of aquatic plant organisms.
• The chemistry in water of the elements and compounds involved.
Our search for the ideal formulation can be considered divided into two distinct and consequential phases:
1 - Analysis in/of the natural habitats
In the initial phase we first built our references, based on (as well as on the review of the scarce available scientific literature) on multiple analyzes carried out in various natural biotopes in Europe, Asia and America, using the most modern and accurate instrumentation, such as spectrophotometers and X-ray mass spectrometers (EDX).
These analyzes, carried out both on the plants and on the water of the selected biotopes, allowed:
a) The evaluation of the mineral composition of many of the most known species of aquarium plants coming directly from their natural habitat, versus their visible health status;
b) The evaluation of the mineral balance of the waters of origin, versus the visible health status of the ecosystem and of the plants present.
The subsequent statistical analysis of the accumulated data, with analysis of the variance (ANOVA) and the correlation between the data related to the plants and those related to the waters to which they belong, has allowed to extrapolate an optimal average composition valid for all the plant species currently known in aquariophilia and the corresponding ion balance ideal for culture water.
These are important data to start with and to compare with in the next phase.
2 - Analysis in cultivation
Starting from the references obtained in the first phase of analysis of the ideal parameters in natural habitats, we then proceeded with the second phase of study and testing aimed at obtaining and maintaining the above ideal parameters in an artificial and closed environment (our cultivation in hydroponics, submersion and micropropagation).
All the related formulation and testing activities were guided by computer simulations carried out using the most reliable chemical speciation software (Geochem, Minteq etc.).
This made it possible to evaluate the composition of nutritive solutions in function not simply of the concentrations of the elements of interest (often misleading in these areas), but also and especially as a function of their "Free Ion Activity"1.
The formulations thus designed were then tested in the most varied scenarios2 in our cultivation plants.
The results obtained were finally assessed and verified both visually and again by analyzing the water and plant tissues as already described for the first phase, comparing them to our references.
The product of this work is a microelements integrator that fully guarantees the nutritional needs of aquatic plants and allows the perfect growth even of the most demanding species in the conditions highlighted in the directions of use.
The unit of measurement used to quantify the presence in water of chemical species is normally the concentration (generally expressed in milligrams on liter => mg/l).
In particular circumstances, however, this parameter is less accurate and useful than expected.
This happens when, due to particular dissolved substances, the interactions between the chemical species present are no longer negligible and, because of these interactions, a certain percentage of them is "blocked" and unable to perform its normal chemical-biological roles .
This happens for example when so-called "chelating" or "complexing agents" are dissolved in water; typical case with iron and / or microelements.
In these situations, rather than considering Concentration, it is necessary to refer to the so-called "Free Ionic Activity".
This expresses the part of the concentration of the chemical species in question that is not linked to other compounds and is therefore free to take part in the chemical-physical reactions of our interest and available to be absorbed by plants.
In extreme cases, the chelators can keep the element in question so firmly bound as to make it unavailable to the plants.
In this situation the Free Ionic activity can be extremely low and the plants go into deficiency, despite the knowledge of concentration alone would make us think that this trace element is present in adequate quantity.
Free Ionic Activity changes depending on the concentration of trace elements, the concentration of chelating and complexing agents and their type.
This parameter can not be directly measured, but can be estimated through complex calculations, after knowledge of all the above data and generally only carried out by the computer through the use of particular software.
It should be pointed out that different environmental parameters play a fundamental role in the stability in water of the compounds and of the chemical species involved.
With prevalence of pH, light irradiation and Redox potential.
The analyzes carried out have therefore been extended to the variation of the most important environmental factors and consequently the formulation of PhytaGen M1 was carried out taking into account not only the needs of aquatic plants, but also the types of aquariums nowadays prevalent among enthusiasts.