PhytaGen M1

Alxyon PhytaGen M1

Iron and Traces liquid mineral supplement for planted aquariums

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Alxyon PhytaGen M1

Iron and Traces liquid mineral supplement for planted aquariums

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PhytaGen M1 is an Iron and Traces (microelements) mineral supplement for aquariums.
It provides the aquatic ecosystem with all and only the essential or useful trace elements for the well-being and growth of the plants housed in the tank.

In particular Iron, Manganese, Boron, Zinc, Copper, Molybdenum are supplied in the best forms and ratios.
PhytaGen M1 does NOT contain useless and/or harmful elements such as Vanadium, Lithium, Rubidium, Cobalt, Tin, Nickel etc.

PhytaGen M1 has been specifically formulated to allow the cultivation of aquatic plants, even demanding ones, in tanks where the pH may rise above neutrality.

PhytaGen M1, in fact, remains 100% stable within a pH range that goes from pH=4.0 up to pH=7.2

In planted aquariums, a pH above neutrality can occur for various reasons; mainly due to lack of CO2.
Deficiency that may be unwanted (due to the difficulty of dispensing in small tanks or in the presence of inadequate technical systems or decors that release carbonates that cause pH fluctuations) or even desired (need to maintain a slightly basic pH for breeding needs of animal guests).

In all these circumstances, plant growth is hindered by the unavailability of Iron due to the pH being higher than ideal (slightly acidic pH).

PhytaGen M1 tries to overcome this difficulty with a composition designed specifically to allow the growth of aquatic plants (even delicate ones) even in these circumstances.

With PhytaGen M1, in fact, Iron is supplied bound to various aminocarboxylic chelators with excellent stability against high pH; with this ensuring stability and prolonged release and thus, constant availability in the water for several days.

The substances present also actively participate in the gradual reduction of iron from trivalent to bivalent in proportion to the light radiation; thus ensuring the plants a constant supply of adequate quantities of easily assimilated reduced iron.

All the other trace elements present are also supplied in various forms, in order to ensure the best bioavailability, correct use by plants and a balanced and prolonged presence over time.

The high degree of chelation with which the elements are protected means that PhytaGen M1:

• Keep its structure intact (without undergoing changes or precipitations) from pH= 4.0 up to pH= 7.2 (in water correctly rebuilt with PhytaGen S1 Planta).

• Is not affected by interactions with other substances (eg phosphates) which can cause undesirable reactions and synthesis of insoluble compounds.

• Is, at normal dosages, absolutely harmless for any invertebrates present in the tank.


PhytaGen M1 contains:

Iron: 1.5 mg/ml (1.5 grams/liter)
as well as Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Boron and Molybdenum in a balanced relationship to it.
Iron, Manganese, Zinc and Copper are chelated with EDDHSA, DTPA and EDTA.

Field of use:

PhytaGen M1 has been developed to be used and to give the best results in the environmental conditions considered typical and ideal for an aquarium with a pH that can rise up to slightly alkaline values ​​(7.2), generally characterized by a non-optimal CO2 supply and, due to of this, from medium or even low Vegetable Metabolism (medium MV and low MV; see details in the "dosage" tab).

That is an aquarium where the cultivation of particularly demanding plants and their speed of growth is not the priority.
However, giving the enthusiast the opportunity to enjoy excellent growth of aquatic plants (even delicate ones) in non-optimal conditions which, otherwise, would preclude their correct growth.

In particular, it has been designed to remain working at its best in a wide pH range (between 4.0 and 7.2 - recommended: 6.5 - 7.0), an average light irradiation and a Redox potential of about 350 mV (clean tank and well maintained).

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